miércoles, 3 de junio de 2020

Plant Life Cycle

Good morning, everyone!

How are you today?

Today is Wednesday and it is sunny 🌅

Let's learn a little bit more about plants!

After watching the video, you must search for Liveworksheets. Then, go to Natural Science folder and do worksheet number 6.

If you do it at your notebook, you just can write the correct sentence or you can draw the meaning.
*Si la ficha la hacéis en vuestro cuaderno, podéis copiar las frase en el cuadrado correspondiente o hacer los dibujos de la imagen.

If you do it at Liveworksheets, click on the numbers to listen a clue.
*Si lo hacéis en Liveworksheets, haced click en los números para escuchar una pista.

Good luck!

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