miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020


Good morning!

Today is Wednesday and it is cloudy ⛅

Fish are vertebrate animals, so today is time to learn about them. Play the video, watch and listen carefully!

Now, let's create our own Ocean!

Click on this link: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/preschool/animals/ocean/animaloceancreate.htm

You can choose all animals that you want to be part of your Ocean. Remember! Not all ocean animals are fish!

Can you tell me how many fish have you chosen for your Ocean? Have you chosen any other vertebrate animal?

Ahora, ¡vamos a crear nuestro propio océano!

Tenéis que entrar en este link http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/preschool/animals/ocean/animaloceancreate.htm

¡Recordad que no todos los animales que viven en el océano son peces!

¿Cuántos peces habéis puesto en vuestro océano? ¿Habéis escogido algún animal que sea otro tipo de vertebrado?

Good luck and enjoy it!

7 comentarios:

  1. Hola Miriam no se puede abrir el link....

  2. Hola Miriam no podemos abrir el link ...gracias

  3. Hi Miriam I'm Marcos
    in my ocean there are two fish,one seahorse,one crab, and one turtle

  4. Very good, Sofía!

    I'm sure that your ocean looks great!

  5. Hi Miriam, my ocean has a whale, shark, dolphin and orca as vertebrate animals.
    invertebrates, squid, starfish and octopus.
