miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020

Vertebrate animals

Good morning, everyone!

Today is Wednesday and it is a beautiful sunny day 🌅.

Now that we have done some reasearch about all groups of vertebrate animals: mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles; I want you to do an interactive worksheet to refresh and check all that you have learnt.

Go to Liveworksheets. Look for Natural Science folder and do interactive worksheet number 5.
If you do the exercise in the website, click on the pictures to listen some clues. Then, you must choose what kind of vertebrate animal is the one of the picture.

*Id a Liveworksheets. Buscad la carpeta de Natural Science y haced la ficha interactiva número 5.
Si hacéis la ficha en la página web, click en las fotos para escuchar una pista sobre el animal. Luego tenéis que seleccionar qué tipo de vertebrado creéis que es el animal que aparece en la foto.

Good luck!

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