lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

Where are the animals?

Good morning!

How are you? Today is Monday and it is a sunny day.

Today we will refresh prepositions and animals names.

First, listen the song. Then,  look at the picture and answer.


Where is the duck?

a) The duck is under the umbrella.

b) The duck is on the table.

Where is the cheetah?

a) The cheetah is in front of the door.

b) The cheeth is in the box.

Where is the turtle?

a) The turtle is behind the school bag.

b) The turtle is under the table.

Where is the parrot?

a) The parrot is on the tree.

b) The parrot is between the cheetah and the turtle.

Good luck!

*Podéis responder en los comentarios o escribirlo en la parte de inglés del cuaderno y mandarme una foto al mail.

10 comentarios:

  1. Where is the duck? b)
    Where is the cheetah? a)
    Where is the turtle? b)
    Where is the parrot? a)

  2. the duck is on the table
    the cheetah is in front of the door
    the turtle is under the table.
    the prrot is the tree-

    1. Very good!

      Could you write your name next time, please?
      En el próximo comentario, ¿podrías poner el nombre, por favor? Así sabré a quién estoy felicitando por el trabajo bien hecho ;)

  3. hello miriam
    the duck is on the table
    the cheetah is in front of the door
    the turtle is under the table
    the parrot is on the tree

    good bye

  4. b) The duck is on the table.
    a) The cheetah is in front of the door.
    b) The turtle is under the table
    a) The parrot is on the tree
